Maurader Ergo Dog Short Stock

Your Price: $265.00
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Part Number:MEDSS

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Maurader Ergo Dog Short Stock

Rifle and Scope not include! No Rifle Sales.

This is a old school European design and the cheek piece is called a Tyrolean. Hardly no one makes these anymore because they are very time consuming and the amount of material it takes. We developed these stocks for a friend in Hawaii with his help and we liked the stock so much, we decided to do several different designs on the same basic base stock. Once you get the scope height and eye relief set to your needs your cheek weld and scope alignment is there in an instant every time. The Short Ergo is nice because in offhand shooting, it’s great to hold on to the Schnabel on the front of the stock. The stock is very stable and balanced, with the Tyrolean on your check. The scope lines up every time in the same place quickly, it lets you grip the rifle gently.  You never thought that you could shoot the Marauder off hand so well once you get it set up you won’t be disappointed. Stock works best with a full-length scope. Right hand only.

Weight 1lb 9 oz., Length 26".

L.O.P 14 1/2".

Gen1 only.

This stock will not fit the new Marauder Gen2, we will be offering this version soon.

Rifles and accessories are available at

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