AirForce Ultima Short Big Bottle Stock

Your Price: $257.00
This item is custom made usually ships within 3 to 6 weeks
Part Number:AFUSBB

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Gun Type
Sling Studs
Adjustable Bench Leg
Trigger Guard
Old Wire Safety
Ultra Match Trigger

Rifle and Scope not include! No Rifle Sales.

This stock is very similar to the Ultima TTTA stock but designed for any bottle up to 4" in width, with a straight adapter or straight regulator.  This stock does not have the cut out for the Talon Tunes Tank Adapter and has a smooth top rail under the valve.

A pad will be supplied with the stock to support the bottle.

Stock Weight:  1 lb. 9 oz.

Stock Length: 26"

LOP:  14 1/4"

This stock worker with old and new safety’s.

Fits:  Talon, Talon SS, Condor SS and Condor

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